Also visit the links pages for dictionaries and information especially Bartleby.com.

The American Heritage® Book of English Usage "A Practical and Authoritative Guide to Contemporary English with a detailed look at grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups and scientific forms, this valuable reference work is ideal for
students, writers, academicians and anybody concerned about proper writing style."

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language "Fourth Edition-Over 90,000 entries feature 10,000 new words and senses, 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page color illustrations, language notes and word-root appendixes."

The American Language An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States by H.L. Mencken
"This classic was written to clarify the discrepancies between British and American English and to define the distinguishing characteristics of American English. Mencken’s groundbreaking study was undoubtedly the most scientific linguistic work on the American language to date and
continues to serve as a definitive resource in the field."

@Writers.comResources for writers on the internet.

Associated Writing Programs "Since 1967, AWP has supported writers and writing programs around the world. We now support over 21,000 writers at over 320 member colleges and universities and 60 writers' conferences and centers."

Authorlink"The award-winning rights marketplace where editors and agents buy and sell unpublished and published manuscripts and screenplays. Providing the serious writer with access and exposure to the broadest range of legitimate publishing professionals. Plus industry news, information, and marketing services for publishers, literary agents, writers and readers. Also visit our bookstore."

Canadian Authors Association "The Canadian Authors Association is Canada's national writing organization. Founded in 1921, the CAA has played a key role in the support and development of the Canadian writing community. It has charitable status as a registered National Arts Service Organization."

The Cambridge History of English and American Literature-An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes
"The Cambridge History of English and American Literature is considered the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published on writings in the English language. Compiled over fourteen years, from 1907 to 1921, the Cambridge History contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages, with essay topics ranging from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing. The set encompasses a wide selection of writing on orators, humorists, poets, newspaper columnists, religious leaders, economists, Native Americans, song writers, and even
non-English writing, such as Yiddish and Creole."

Clickinks A collection of useful links of writing resources.

Columbia Encyclopedia  "Not only is the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th edition the largest one-volume general encyclopedia available, its year 2000 publication date makes it the most timely and up-to-the minute encyclopedic reference source available. With over 50,000 article entries, 40,000 bibliographic citations, and over 80,000 cross-reference entries, the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th edition contains much more data than many multi-volume encyclopedias. The entire Columbia Encyclopedia database is full-text searchable. With previous editions of the Columbia
Encyclopedia described by Scientific American as "without peer in the English language," and heralded by The New York Times Book Review as "the standard of excellence as a guide to essential facts," the Columbia Encyclopedia 6th Edition carries on this venerable tradition with intelligence and skill."

Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words That Have a Tale to Tell-
"Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable comprises over 18,000 entries that reveal the etymologies, trace the origins and otherwise catalog “words with a tale to tell.”

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr."Make definite assertions. Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, non-committal language."

—Rule 12
            William Strunk, Jr.
"Believing that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student and conscientious writer.   Intended for use in which the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature, it gives in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style and concentrates attention on the rules of usage and principles
of composition most commonly violated."

 Familiar Quotations  A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature-

John Bartlett
"This tenth edition of 1919 contains over 11,000 quotations and was the first new edition of John Bartlett’s corpus to be published after his death in 1905. However, most of Bartlett’s original work was left intact, the new editor choosing more to supplement than revise that of the first name in
quotation compilations.".

Foreign Languages for Travelers From 'Travlang' this site covers 74 languages and translates between them and offers much information about various cultures and currencies as well.


Freebooknotes.com's Historical Guide to American Literature

Freelance Writing

Free Thesaurus "Free Thesaurus is a comprehensive online thesaurus of synonyms, antonyms, and related words. The thesaurus contains more than 145,800 unique entries from three top sources: Collins Thesaurus of the English Language - Complete and Unabridged, The American Heritage Roget's Thesaurus, and WordNet.

Gardenia Press "Our Mission:  Gardenia Press publishes first time authors.
We know how difficult it is to attract the attention of a large publishing house, to get an agent, or make progress in the world of book publishing, so we are working to help unpublished authors achieve their goal of becoming published.

We are not a subsidy or vanity publisher! Gardenia Press editors will read your work and provide you with a detailed evaluation (not an impersonal form letter) of your manuscript.

We do not require query letters, a synopsis, or sample chapters. Please send your entire manuscript.

We read and evaluate every submission. What other publisher can make that statement?

If your desire is to become a published author, see our submission guidelines."

The Human Languages Page Many links and resources for different languages including American Sign Language.

The Internet Handbook of German Grammar "This site is intended to provide students, readers, and translators of German with a concise and comprehensive reference grammar, one available on the web. Because we are currently writing the grammar, and work progresses chapter by chapter, the table of contents is yet incomplete. The Table of Contents references, near the end, some chapters of a short, though defective, conversational grammar, in which we color the necessary corrections. We believe the so marked grammar pages might be instructive to students of German. Links connect to appropriate places in our comprehensive grammar."

The King's English by F.W. Fowler "The plan for the second edition of the classic reference work The King’s English was dictated by the following considerations: (1) to pass by all rules, of whatever absolute importance, that are shown by observation to be seldom or never broken; and (2) to illustrate by living examples, with the name of a reputable authority attached to each, all blunders that observation shows to be common."

LanguageAn Introduction to the Study of Speech by Edward Sapir "The noted linguist and anthropologist Edward Sapir wrote this work to show language in “relation to other fundamental interests—the problem of thought, the nature of the historical process, race, culture, art.” Language is not only a study of language and culture, but ultimately on the world of
relations and influence."

 The Market List "The online market resource for genre fiction writers."

 Merriam-WebsterAmerican English authorities.

 A Poetic Haven "Poets supporting poets in a constructive way."

 Poetry Power "POETRY POWER offers free information on writing better poetry, getting it published, and winning poetry contests. We hope it's a site you will want to visit often."

The Poetry Society of America "Whether you write poetry, read poetry, or simply want to widen your literary horizons, the Poetry Society of America has readings, seminars, and competitions intended to challenge and inspire. W.H. Auden, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Marianne Moore and Wallace Stevens were among the original members who envisioned a society that would not only be a local meeting place for poets, but a center from which a national poetry renaissance would emerge. Current members, such as John Ashbery, Rita Dove, Kimiko Hahn, Brenda Hillman, Yusef Komunyakaa, Stanley Kunitz, Sharon Olds, Robert Pinsky and Adrienne Rich carry on their great tradition—and so can you. "

 Poetry Today Online

PostPoems"Our Mission:    To promote and support the arts, artists, poets, writers and affiliate groups of PostPoems by providing electronic forums, electronic and hard copy publications.  To work in cooperation with writer's and arts organizations including non profit organizations.  To stimulate public awareness of the arts through educational programs for the PostPoems community, while encompassing the concept that the arts can be appreciated by all people. "

Quote of the Day Perhaps inspiration, perhaps not; but it changes every day, so it might help to penetrtate a blocked mind.

Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus from Poetry.com.

Robin's Nest "Robin's Nest for Writers is a resource center for writers of all genres. You'll find online workshops for writers, workshops on how writers can use the Internet, writing links, and more."

Rogets II: The New Thesaurus "Third Edition-Containing 35,000 synonyms in an easy-to-use format, this thesaurus features succinct word definitions and an innovative hyperlinked category index."

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. "SFWA(SM) has brought together the most successful and daring writers of speculative fiction throughout the world, and has grown in numbers and influence until it is now widely recognized as one of the most effective non-profit writers' organizations in existence. Over 1200 sf and fantasy writers, artists, editors, and allied professionals are members. Each year we present the prestigious Nebula Awards™ for the sf or fantasy best short story, novelette, novella, and novel of the year.

SFWA(SM) is the only writers' group ever to demand and conduct a blanket audit of a major publishing house. Several publishers have withdrawn offensive language from their standard contracts, or offered redress to individual members, after quiet persuasion from SFWA's famous Grievance Committee. In 1993, the Random Audit Committee began conducting, at SFWA's expense, surprise audits of novels chosen at random from a pool of titles authorized by SFWA member"
Simpson's Contemporary Quotations The Most Notable Quotations: 1950–1988 - Compiled by James B. Simpson
"Comprising over 10,000 quotations from 4,000 sources, Simpson includes 25 categories and 60 sections ranging from “love” to “criminology.” This comprehensive reference contains words of wit and wisdom from such modern notables as Ezra Pound, Henry Kissinger, George Orwell, Dorothy Parker, and Desmond Tutu."
Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch On the Art of Reading Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1916–1917 by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch
"As well as being a noted scholar and critic, Arthur Quiller-Couch was an active proponent for educational reform at Cambridge. This series of lectures is dedicated to his closest allies in the battle for a reformed English program at Cambridge and are rich with Quiller-Couch’s customary insight and intelligence."

Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch On the Art of Writing Lectures Delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1913–1914 by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch
"This renowned critic, scholar and educational reformer speaks on the artistic and vital nature of language as well as the skills needed both to convey and receive the written word."

Sunoasis Jobs"For writers, editors and copywriters"

Teachers and Writers Collaborative "a nonprofit organization--was founded in 1967 by a group of writers and educators who believed that writers could make a unique contribution to the teaching of writing. T&W brings writers and educators together in collaborations that explore the connections between writing and reading literature and that generate new ideas and materials. T&W writers' diaries, as well as articles from other writers and teachers from around the country, are the source of T&W publications. T&W publishes a bimonthly magazine and books, distributed through the 200,000 catalogues we mail to writers and educators nationwide each year."

Thesaurus.comThesaurus, dictionary, translator and much more.

Typing Test This is a three level, very brief way to gauge typing skills without a clock.  It counts the errors and calculates the words per minute.   [Oh yeah, no music on this page. It might interrupt your concentration.]

Valentine Publishing Group "Valentine Publishing Group's service offers an online catalog for Booksellers, Libraries, and Wholesalers.
For every small press and literary journal, there is a group of readers who wait with outstretched hands for that alive writing so often ignored by the conglomerate publishers and so much in danger of vanishing into obscurity in what has become the age of mass appeal food, movies, books and art."

Writers Guild of America  West (with link to east) "The WGAw represents writers in the motion picture, broadcast, cable and new media industries."

The Write Market "The web's oldest and largest online writer's market list, published since 1996 by Christopher Reynaga.  With regular articles and reviews, and hundreds of listings for print magazines, book projects, contests, webzines, and publishers in one place -- whether you are a reader or writer, you have found the Right Market."

The Writer's Home "The Writers Home offers: expert help for writers, editors and those who would like to become writers or editors, plus advice on how to write and sell what you write and a Writer's Web-Page Resume service that includes a listing on our For Editors Only Page. The site includes humor, instruction, writers' links, editors' links, publishers' links, book reviews, books on writing, author interviews, questions and answers, quotes, essays, tools for writers, and much more. Also included is information on: writing and selling articles and books; ideas for articles; magazine writing; dealing with editors; journalism; research help; how to write queries; column writing; presenting yourself as a writer; breaking in; interviewing; article construction; marketing your writing; writing leads and endings; manuscript preparation; non-fiction and fiction writing; managing a writing career; and information of interest to editors and readers."

 Writing.org"This is a noncommercial Web site for writers. It's sponsored, edited, and written by Durant Imboden, who created MSN's Writing Forum in 1995 and produces Europe for Visitors, a Web site that has been featured in TIME International, Good Housekeeping, PC Magazine, USA Today, and other publications.

Durant Imboden is a writer whose credits include novels, magazine articles, short stories, and staff writing for Playboy and other publications. He worked as a Playboy editor, New York literary agent, tabloid editor, and advertising copywriter before becoming a full-time freelance writer in 1986. His most recent book is Buying Travel Services on the Internet, published by McGraw-Hill."

The Write News "News, features and resources for media and publishing professionals."

Writers.com"Offering online writing classes in all genres, our instructors are published authors who are experienced in teaching as well as writing. We also offer one-to-one tutoring and writing instruction via e-mail, free writers groups, and a free monthly newsletter of interest to writers. Our Web site includes writing tips, information on contests and an online bookstore. You will also find comments from our satisfied students.  More features are being added. To receive our newsletter and schedule of writing classes, please subscribe to our mailing list. (We never give out your email address to anyone, for any reason.) "

Writers Write Extensive resource for writers and publishers.

your Dictionary.com A wealth of words and information for many different languages and topics.

    The music playing is "Nun Lob, Mein Seel, Den Herren" by Michael Praetorius and was downloaded from D/F Electronics-MIDIstuff.


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